
Favorite food: Bagel
Coolest thing: Snow
Skilled genre: Retro

The founder of Winterion Game Studios. A professor of game design at George Mason University and contributing author to various books on games and game history, Daniel has been studying video games for years and playing them for decades. His goal is to help build the modern framework for game appreciation.

Favorite food: Steak
Coolest thing: Bear
Skilled genre: RPG

His earliest formative memory being that of playing Mega Man IV, Richard is a video game enthusiast, through and through. His interests focus largely on platformers, role-playing games, and adventures. When the team needs an expert to buckle down and knock out the truly mean titles, Richard makes it happen.

Favorite food: Cinnamon
Coolest thing: Dragons
Skilled genre: Point-N-Click

Alex's favorite games growing up were LOOM and DOOM, and that probably explains a lot. When not in front of a computer, she's usually jotting down a list, singing along to classic rock LPs, or petting strangers' dogs. She has a Master's degree in Acting, so don't believe anything she tells you.

Favorite food: Carbonara
Coolest thing: Rock
Skilled genre: Sports

Raised on both video games and sports, Matt is all about three things: gaming, hockey, and humor. His boistrous enthusiasm for all three speaks (loud) volumes, and his experience, both as a Twitch streamer and as an announcer, is invaluable to team commentary.

Favorite food: Sushi
Coolest thing: Dinosaur
Skilled genre: Adventure

Erin is the team's "clutch bow" - though her head is sometimes in the clouds, from there, she's free to drop some amazing puns. Her late father raised her on a love of all things Zelda, so she hopes to one day raise a lot of money for cancer research through gaming.
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Favorite food: Ice Cream
Coolest thing: Sunbeam
Skilled genre: Casual

The original office cat, Zelda is an experienced pro at what Winterion Game Studios does best - get comfortable on the couch in front of a good game. While she's not likely to talk much, one well-timed trademark 'mrp!' is enough to lift everyone's spirits.